Pamela Vandiver

My research is aimed at reverse-engineering ancient pyrotechnologies by assessing systematic flaws, identifying rate-limiting steps and discovering what people had to know and use to invent, practice and modify these technologies. Such analysis and reconstruction of a technology can occur only when artifactual changes due to use-wear and post-depositional changes have been characterized. Single objects are studied to establish the presence of a technology, the study of variability and especially errors is required to characterize a technology. My research has focused on inorganic materials: ceramics, glasses, glazes, pigments, plasters, enamels, metals, slags, and soils used in the built-environment.

Professional Societies:

  • Materials Research Society: organized and edited 9 symposia entitled "Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology"; presently organizing 2013 Fall meeting
  • American Institute of Archaeology: awarded the Pomerance Award and Medal for Scientific Contributions to Archaeology in 2006, and currently active in archaeological science
  • American Ceramic Society: helped organize and edit 6 of 9 volumes in the Ceramics and Civilization series; served on editorial board of Archeomaterials
  • Society of American Archaeology
  • American Association of Museums